Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week In Review - Ten Things Of Thankful (64)

Ten Things of Thankful

Our weekend is half over already, with not much on our schedule for next week. I'll need to run some errands in town one day and meet my mom to pick out sports shoes for Lily another. One more week with our Lily at home before elementary school will start. Can't believe that so soon, she'll be a 1st-grader!  I can still remember her being the little baby just born. And a blink of an eye later, she is the big sister to two little siblings and will start first grade.

Here are the ten things I'm incredibly thankful for this week:

1. Our baby smiling. He's been trying to a couple of times, but today he gave me the brightest smile you could imagine. His whole face was lighting up with this smile. So beautiful!!

2. Finding a new and absolutely delicious chocolate cake recipe. Thank you, Pinterest!

3. Getting wonderful back-rubs from hubby as the muscles in my back knot up from nursing and carrying a baby around for most of the day. I see a visit to my chiropractor in the near future.

4. Family. I am so thankful that we are all getting along again and enjoy each other's company.

5. Meeting a colleage from out-of-country for a drink this week. It was so great to meet him again. And he was excited to meet little Calvin, who had a great time on his arm :-)

6. Support from the hubby, who gets up, helps the girls to get ready for the day and takes Violet to kindergarten when I'm in no shape to leave the bed because Calvin has kept me up most of the night. Hope poor baby will get rid of the tummy aches pretty soon!

7. Kids who eat most veggies, and sometimes even request oddities like spinach, caulifower, or brussle sprouts.

8. Enjoying walks to and from kindergarten with the girls. The time with just one of them is really precious to me.

9. Finally, FINALLY having the girls' furniture delivered. Even though it's not perfect and complete yet, they do have proper furniture in their rooms now!

10. Being surrounded by so much love and support. The girls who are more than happy to help out taking care of their little brother and hubby who's doing his best to take as much load as possible off my shoulders. He sure is such a passionate dad and husband; I couldn't imagine a better family!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. awwww.... I wanna live with you guys... you sound content!! How lovely to see that little calvin light up... but man that belly ache stuff is no party for him or you!

    1. No, tummy ache is definitely no party. The other night he was up crying for about an hour, poor baby. But today, he's a total sleepy-baby. Hope the night will be good as well :-) Not sure if you wanted to come visit, our house is a mess, but since we had the furniture delivered finally, we actually have space for guests :-)

  2. Yes! It looks like it's going great, Stephanie!! Have a great rest of the weekend, and a good week ahead.

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! We really are a lucky family :-) Have a great week yourself!

  3. sounds like a good week and everything as it…. wait a minute! brussle sprouts? on purpose?
    the cake I get… the cauliflower?!
    walking to school is, in fact, an excellent concept!

    1. I know, Lily is a weird kid sometimes. Show me another kid who orders a spinach pizza!! I'm glad that she gets to walk to school, but I wonder how long she's going to be excited about it.. I bet soon, she'll complain :-)

  4. That is a week full of wonderful things - sounds like you all have a good rhythm going. That is so important.
    I love that your girls eat veggies so happily - Kidzilla always has. I can say she's never met a fruit or vegetable she didn't like and I've thrown anything and everything at her. OK, she doesn't exactly love okra, but does anyone?
    Are you on Pinterest? Because I would follow you in a minute for that cake recipe!
    Hope things continue to go well and you get to the chiro for some relief. In the meantime, a hubby-rub isn't a bad thing at all!

    1. I don't really pin on Pinterest ever. I just go there and look at stuff if I have time :-) But that recipe is indeed beyond awesome!! I made it with apple sauce instead of the bananas, delicious!!

      I'm glad that our kids eat mostly everything as well, I don't think I could deal with a picky eater :-)

      I hope you have a great week, Lisa!

  5. What a happy family! (Well, little Calvin is getting there, it sounds like.) The image of everyone chipping in and enjoying each other's company is lovely.

    1. Managing life is definitely easier if everyone helps. We are currently teaching Lily some more duties around the house since she's about to get an allowance. Hope you have a great week, Kristi!

  6. Aww, so much to indeed be happy and thankful for. Still can't believe you have one more week before school starts and both my girls are finally back and all settled in for the year with Lily finally having started pre-school today ;)

    1. I can't believe it either. Lily and I went and got her sports shoes for school today; now we're totally set for school to start :-) How does your Lily like pre-school?

  7. I really enjoy spending tons of time with everyone right now. I am currently in total purge mood, getting rid of stuff that we don't need and clogs our storage :-) Hope you have a great new week, Lizzi!

  8. I can't think of anything that melts my heart more than the first smiles from a baby. They are so very precious.
    Glad you are all settling in and your family is all working together to take care of that sweet baby. I never doubted this would happen. You have a lovely family.

    1. Thanks so much, Christine! We so love this little guy, and watching the girls taking care of their little brother makes me love them even more, if this is possible, it's just the sweetest thing in the world!! He so has the funniest expressions, but this first smile was certainly priceless!

  9. It sounds like things are going well there! Love that you are getting some baby smiles :)
