Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week In Review - Ten Things Of Thankful (69)

Ten Things of Thankful

What a busy week! So many appointments to remember,  but also a lot of quality time to spend with my wonderful family and friends. I am tired and exhausted, but feel so very, very thankful to have all of them in my life.

The special thankfuls this week:

1. Violet for the rescue Monday morning. Lily had lost her sweater, but Violet found it and also reminded her big sister (and me) that Lily still needed her glasses just as she was leaving. What only would I do without our little girl??

2. Home-made organic apple sauce. While being out with Lily to pick elderberries for elderberry jam (total fiasco by the way), I found an apple tree growing outside a fence; I spontaneously declared the tree public property and picked a bunch to take home as well. Yesterday, I finally turned them all into apple sauce. No sugar, no preservatives, no additives, just plain old apple sauce. Yum!

3. Cream of rice with home-made apple sauce for breakfast - just remembering that I forgot to add the cinnamon..

4. Getting to watch Calvin discovering his feet. He was beyond-words adorable watching them wiggle and giving me the biggest, sweetest baby smiles I can imagine.  Such a special moment - or twenty minutes.

5. Dates with my lads. Hubby and Calvin first took me out for breakfast before heading to the hardware store Friday morning, and in the evening, we had a movie date at home with delicious dessert.

6. Getting to watch Violet during her first dance class. It was still a little difficult for her to follow the steps, but I'm sure in no time this class will help her to gain more awareness for her body and movement. Plus: the approval for her early intervention therapy came in the mail today. Starting next week, she's going to see an occupational therapist and the early intervention therapist in addition to the speech therapist. Sounds like a lot, but we've experienced with Lily that this comprehensive approach is really generating fast improvements.

7. A wonderful Sunday afternoon with friends. We shared a delicious lunch and took dessert out to the park where the kids played soccer and we adults enjoyed some good conversation. The sky was pretty overcast at first but later in the afternoon, we had beautiful sunshine. Violet's conclusion at the end of the day:  Mami, I'm absolutely exhausted, but so, so happy!  I'd call this a perfect weekend!

8.  A lovely cup of chai latte at the end of the day. With a side of dark cookie chocolate.

9. A very supportive HR department. Without a prompt from my side, they sent me all the paperwork to apply for the child care refund my work pays at the end of each year. Yay for more paperwork!

10.Hubby finally having found a school that supports him receiving his benefits he has earned while serving in the military for 8 years, having his health ruined during that time and being intentionally given false information that hurt our family on his way out. If everything goes as planned, I'll be married to a college boy soon  :-)


  1. Can I just say how much I look forward to these posts?! Wonderful things to be thankful for. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Jen!! I, too, am looking forward to these weekend posts; it's a good time to reflect on all the thing that are so wonderful in my life, even if I'm feeling down or overwhelmed..

  2. A busy and wonderfully full week for you!
    I remember when Zilla found her feet - vividly. I happened to get photos because the Hub and I were both playing with her when it happened and the camera was handy. Awesome isn't it?
    Chai latte and dark chocolate anything is so delicious.
    Hooray for #10 - not the bad parts of it, just the good parts. :D

    1. I don't remember this of neither Lily nor Violet.. Maybe I experience so much more with Calvin because I'm used to not sleeping and also have time to relax and spend with him. Gonna go and get another chai latte now, with a slice of this pumpkin bread I baked yesterday. Believe me, I'm so excited for hubby to take these classes, it will improve so much for him, and he's going to get paid while going to college. Can't beat that!! Have a wonderful week, Lisa!

  3. "...I spontaneously declared the tree public property" lol I love that (and, in a way that would be odd, were it not for the internet), a nice reflection (in a joking and much more local way) of the Post here at the Doctrine….. the Treaty of Tordesillas in action!

    1. Need to check this post out, Clark!! Sorry I've not been a good follower of the Doctrine recently, by the time I have time to read blogs, I'm usually way too tired to wrap my head around the theories :-( Hope you have a great week!

  4. Aw! Such a great list of thankfuls! I am especially happy about the hubs... finally a bit of light to shine on him after a harsh season of darkness. And I just love the kids' stories!! And the applesauce... YUM.

    1. We are indeed very thankful that we got the information about a living allowance being paid out for online-only students now as well, so hubby will earn an income for the family while going to school and earn a degree that i a couple of years will help him get a proper job. Have a wonderful week, Chris!

  5. Thanks so much, Lizzi! The paperwork will actually yield some money in our pocket around the end of December :-) The week is already filling up with appointments again, but it's not as hectic as last week.. yet... Have a great week, Lizzi!

  6. I just commented, but not seeing it, but just wanted to say that it sounded like a great week. Also looking to put Emma back in dance as she has been asking about it after soccer ends here.

    1. Actually, I was thinking about switching Violet over from dance to soccer. She was playing with our friends' sons on Sunday and was such a natural with the ball, wow :-) But I think our little princess would rather stay a ballerina.. Have a great week, Janine!

  7. I hope everything works out with your husband and with your paperwork. That paperwork sort of reminds me of the maternity leave process I went though with my job. When I went out early, let's just say, I don't wish what happened to me on anyone. The cream of rice and applesauce sounds so yummy. Sounds like another great week with your wonderful family and friends!

    1. It definitely was, Brittnei. Busy but great! I'm certainly don't want to complain about the paperwork too much, since I am indeed very, very grateful for all the benefits we have here. It just gets overwhelming at times, especially if I'm sleep deprived.. Enjoy your week!

  8. Your week was delicious! Applesauce, Chai tea and dark chocolate! Paperwork is a trial but it sounds like your family will benefit from it in the end, which in and of it's self is a good thing!

    1. Most definitely, Pattie! Believe me, if there wouldn't be tons of money waiting at the end of paperwork-tunnel, I would have tossed everything in the paper bin a long time ago :-) Always a fan of culinary delights :-) Thank you so much for stopping by, and have a wonderful week!

  9. Have you ever made apple butter...because if you haven't, you're not living. Kidding. No seriously though. I got tired of making applesauce so I tried something different. It is amazing on cinnamon bread. Nom. Nom.
    Confession: I do not like chocolate.
    Out of all the thankfuls, I'd have to say #6. You must be so proud of her and how far she's come. She sounds like an amazing kid who is going to do great things.

    1. I'm a fan of dark, dark, dark chocolate (I always say black as my soul :-) ) I've tried apple butter once when I came to the U.S. first and honestly wasn't a fan. If you have a good recipe, I'd love to try some home made apple butter for sure!

      I am very proud of Violet. We've had so many challenges in the past years with her, and seeing her accomplishing even little things (and recently, there were some big developmental leaps for her) always makes us so happy. Working towards her reachig her full potential one step at a time.

      Thank you so much for stopping by, Kimberly, and have a great day!!

  10. It sounds like a fantastic week. I love watching babies make discoveries.

    1. It was a busy but wonderful week, and watching Calvin is always so magical; just love all those kids of ours :-) Have a great week, Robbie!

  11. I haven't had cream of rice in forever! And I've never had elderberries but they sound relish!

    1. Elderberry are the grossest thing if they are past their prime, and those were WAY past their prime. Will go picking a few weeks earlier in the season next year.. But the cream of rice was delicious!
