Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week In Review - Ten Things Of Thankful (84)

Ten Things of Thankful

First of all, I'm going to apologize for probably not commenting much this week. In between hubby's concert schedule, having to meet due dates, baking extravaganza, running around to buy stuff for the girls' dance performances, getting the costumes for the carnival party assembled, and or course organizing Lily's birthday party, I was planning not even to participate in the TToT, but this link-up has become such a staple in my week, focusing on all the good things that have happened in our lives in the last week, big and small, that I just needed to find a few minutes to review this week anyways.

My ten most thankfuls this week:

1. Sleep. Calvin has obviously give up (or at least interrupted) his study on the effects of sleep deprivation on us and let me tell you, only waking up twice a night and then getting up with a farting baby early in the morning has been heavenly!

2. Grown-up toys (nooooo, not THOSE!!). I got a window vacuum a couple of months ago and have tried it out today. It works so awesome, the windows were streak-free and dry within seconds!

3. Lily doing so well in school. She has brought home a few test so far, and she has done so well in each of them. I couldn't be prouder of Lily and her excitement for school, learning, and most of all reading!

4. Violet being the sweet, big sister she is and donating her favorite MLP blankie to her little brother, who considered it the perfect blanket for him to stay warm - but not too warm - all night.

5. Exchanging little gifts with hubby. When he came home from his marathon-rehearsal, he brought me a couple of books he had picked up on the way home. and I found some interesting teas for him while out shopping with the girls.

6. Our kids being wonderful, wonderful beings, no matter how bad we may be banging heads (figuratively speaking) on occasion. Let me explain: there's this former teacher of mine, whose home is more like a war-zone than anything else. Her daughter barricades herself in her room while the 2-year old twin boys terrorize the house and the parents duck out of the way. Those boys were hitting another adult who was visiting, hitting each other, tried to hit Calvin, attempted to push each other down a flight of stairs, climbed all over bar stools and kitchen counters/islands while screaming non-stop, and ended our visit by hitting Violet over the head with a pair of boots. Without the least bit of schadenfreude, should I ever have doubts about my qualities as a parent again, I'll think about this visit!  (and I know from accounts that this was not just a "bad day", that was normal life!!)

7. Reading while nursing.

8. Still sleep-deprived brain auto-correcting Lizzi's Scrabble-letters (SDEIQJI) plus the double "B" in the Word "Scrabble" next to it into "Sideboob". Totally random, but too funny!

9. Finally getting a post typed out that has been cooking in my brain for a while. I know it's a controversial topic, but so, so important to get the information out!

10. Mid-morning naps with Calvin. When he fell asleep on my arm around 9:30 after getting me out of bed at 6am, I accepted this as a sign to head back to bed with him, to watch him sleep peacefully for a minute or so, and then fall asleep myself.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!!


  1. Sleep and sweet children--your busy life is a good one!

    1. It certainly is, Kristi! Thank you so much; I hope you're having a wonderful week!

  2. Don't worry yourself about getting around to everyone. We all get a pass for busyness sometimes.
    Glad you are finally getting some sleep.
    Your title to your last post was fantastic. It is a controversial topic, but you handled it well.
    A window vacuum?!?!?! I've never heard of such a thing, but I could really use one of those!! We have a lot (A LOT) of 8-ft tall windows.

    1. Thanks so much, Christine! I usually don't like to chime in in personal matters like that. But it's for the boys; there's way too much misinformation flowing around, and I'm sure many families would decide against circumcision if they were given proper information.

      Yes, a window vacuum. I basically wash the windows with water mixed with a little dishwashing detergent and vinegar, and then simply vacuum off all the water. The windows are spotless!

      Have a wonderful week, Christine!

  3. No worries.... holy cow you're busy! But I just gotta say .... scrabble-sideboob hahaha!

    1. It's the lack of sleep, Ivy! Severe sleep deprivation over a few weeks does weird things to your brain and consciousness :-)

      Have a great week, Ivy, and thank you for stopping by!

  4. grown up toys...Yes so much fun with vacuums and new floor stuff and window stuff!

    1. Totally! I love appliances that make my life easier :-)

      I hope you're having a great week!

  5. I think you should probably come over and try that window vacuum on MY windows. I'll leave the porch light on for you.
    Glad Calvin threw in the towel on his sleep deprivation experiment.
    Ohh, children whose parents don't parent them! I get some of them in preschool, where it's obvious who is running the household. Makes you appreciate your children so much more, doesn't it?

    1. First of all I'll have to finish the windows on our second floor, but afterwards, I'm all in.. Just get us a ticket and I'm over with the little Dude and the vacuum :-)

      We're glad we're getting more sleep as well, believe me!

      I'm definitely glad our home is not run like THAT other home. I think I'd run away after a week, probably earlier! I certainly appreciate the kids. Every day. They are so wonderful, and I couldn't love them more if I tried. They are my life and my heart!

      Have a wonderful week, Dyanne!

  6. window vacuum? (I actually get a kick out of cleaning the windows… tough as it can be to not have streaks and such)… you must post a photo…cause I'm picturing a little hoover-looking thing and I'm pretty sure they don't look like that.
    sounds like a pretty good week over there

    1. They actually almost look like a little hand-held vacuum with a squeegee attached to the front. Love that thing. Absolutely streak-free in no time! Cleaing windows becomes quite bearable with it, even though the weather needs to improve before the upstairs windows get their treatment!

      Have a great week, Clark!

  7. So sweet! I love mama & baby nap time. I say do it as long as you can!

    1. I totally do! The best naps are those with the little guy. The other day, he totally looked like his Daddy in his sleep ;-)

      Have a wonderful week, Steph!

  8. I read this earlier in the weekend, but I can't do comments on my phone. I can't see well enough and the buttons don't work well enough. So I'm back.
    Little gifts with someone you love are the best. I love those sweet little ones most of all.
    I always think your kids are just wonderful,, even without having met them.
    Scrabble is always good. Although that sideways thing was a bit weird.
    Always sleep. Love sleep.

    1. Those little gifts are the best. I'm fine not getting big things for my birthday or the holidays, because I actually have everything I need and want (in the price-class we can afford).

      The sideboob-moment was totally random and that made it absolutely hilarious. Thank you, Scrabble :-)

      You and your hubby have a wonderful daughter as well. I'd so would love to see her play with Lily, I bet they'd get along so well!

      Have a wonderful week, Lisa!

  9. The gifts between you and Hub are sweet. Thinking of one another in the midst of busy days. Lovely.

    1. I truly believe that this is part of what keeps the relationship fresh. Not taking the other for granted and surprising them ransomly, not necessarily on the "mandated" days.

      Enjoy your week, Val!

  10. We cannot stand kids that are not raised well. I had a moment with Violet today, when she refused to say "Good Morning" to people we passed on the way to kindergarten. I asked her why, and she said she didn't feel like it. I suggested that I may not feel like giving her dessert that day, and wow, did she change her mind quickly :-)

    The sideboob moment was BEAUTIFUL! The positive aspects of sleep deprivation :-)

    Have a wonderful week, Lizzi!
