
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week In Review - Ten Things Of Thankful (9)

Ten Things of Thankful

Fall is definitely here, with all its ugliness: rain, rain, and some more rain, because there wasn't enough rain before. But at least, I can sleep again at night. And break out the umbrella  ;-)

This weeks Ten Things I'm incredible Thankful for:

1. A very responsible Lily. I got home from work this week, when she grabbed me and took me her room. All her jigsaw puzzles were neatly stacked next to the books, her coloring books sorted on her little desk, and her bed made. WOW!!

2. The hubby, for keeping my chocolate supply well stacked.

3. Sweetie, for being so absolutely sweet and rubbing my back.

4. Crap Weather tea (yes, it's called like that, Sauwetter-Tee in German).

5. My annual review going REALLY well.

6. Nice neighbors at the new house.

7. Our building site manager finally getting his nose out of the rule books and being creative to finish this house.

8. Champagne at work as a "thank you" for a job well done.

9. A second 10k finished despite a chest cold and sucky weather.

10. Hot showers.

Have a great weekend, everyone, and thank you for hosting, Lizzi!


  1. you did a 10k in bad weather with a cold? Wow... you may be my new hero...

    1. Well, I had already paid the starting fee and didn't want to waste it ;-)

  2. All good things. I loved #1 for sure, as well as a job well done and the champagne, too. So happy to hear it was a wonderful week and hoping the weekend is treating you as well now, too!! :)

    1. I was so surprised when she showed me.. She's such a big girl these days (besides being EXTREMELY fragile right now)

      Enjoying my weekend, we just baked cake ;-)

    2. Cake is awesome, even though my neighbor's cake was better!

  3. Nice neighbors are rare and so important! A wonderful thankful list!

    1. Thank you so much, Michelle! We have wonderful neighbors now and will so miss them when we move; glad to know that there are nice people in our new neighborhood!

  4. I could send you some, if my friend lets me know where she found it ;-)

    As I told Zoe, I had already paid the non-refundable starting fee and didn't want to waste the money. I bet there were quite some people who just showed up to pick up their shirts but never ran.

    I also love to work at a place where my work is appreciated and at times even honored. The champagne was great, and at €40 a bottle it better is!

  5. Great list but I have to say: Champagne at work...regardless of the always reason to be thankful! :)

    1. I totally agree ;-) Thanks a lot for stopping by!

    2. Unless you work at a church. Then it's a little weird. :)

    3. Love your list, Stephanie! Hope the house is finally finished soon and you can get settled in.

      Congratulations on the job review! It's so nice to get positive feedback at work, and not just hear what you might be doing wrong.

    4. Thanks a lot, Dyanne! Why would champagne be weird, if one works at a church? At least here in Germany, they still hand out wine during communion ;-)

      The house is going to take a while longer, like it was from the beginning, troubles where you see. Hoping to be able to move by March..

  6. 10K ( if I remember my Esperanto lessons...) that means 10,000 miles? (lol... no I know... 10,000 meters? ) no matter what... ayiee that must be so cool to be finished.

    good list, sounds like your weather is heading into the same as ours here (in New England) Autumn...which is not bad to begin with... but ends in Winter (which is not fun.)

    1. I love winter, better than summer, Clark. I hate being hot and nothing I can do against it. When I'm cold in winter, I just put on another layer ;-)

      Now I just need to get better to be able to enjoy this beautiful autumn weather!

  7. A second 10K? Wow--good for you!

    1. Thanks a lot, Kristi! Even though this one was shorter (10km instead of 11.7km the week before), it was a lot harder on me. Given, the weather was crappy and I wasn't feeling too great either. Glad I finished though!

  8. Wow, I'm super impressed that you finished a 10K with a cold. That's either depressing or really inspiring as I have been horrible about working out recently. YAY for champagne and neighbors and your hubby and a great review!

    1. I'm horrible now, too! Trying to overcome the stupid cold. But there are a couple of fun races over the winter, and I think I've picked out my half marathon next year.. Hope I can stay motivated over the cold season! Thanks a lot for stopping by, Kristi!

  9. Champagne at work for a job well done?!?!? Best reward I've ever heard, except money, of course. :)
    I'm sure it is a huge relief to know you have nice neighbors.
    Way to go Lily!! Did you do anything to encourage that behavior? I'd be thrilled to come home to that every day!
    I am not a tea drinker, but I would take a chance on it if I could try some crap weather tea on a cold, rainy day.
    Lastly, CONGRATULATIONS on your 10K! I love that you went because you didn't want to waste the entry fee. Sure, you may have given yourself pneumonia by going out in that mess when you were sick, but you didn't lose that fee! :) (Just messing with you. It is a great thing you did.)

    1. My coworkers were telling me about heart muscle infections, etc. but hey, I made it ;-)

      I'm always encouraging the girls to pick up. Actually, we expect from them to pick up their toy after they are done. When I vacuum their rooms, I don't want to spent an hour picking up Lego first. But this was definitely a surprise!

      We definitely enjoyed the champagne. So glad I have the job I got!

      Thanks a lot for stopping by, Christine!

  10. Congrats on a great annual review! It is always a huge relief and weight of the shoulders when those go well.

    And champagne at work? Awesome! Sounds like some fun festivities.

    Also congrats on the 10K,that is impressive. And with a chest cold? Wowsers. I hope I can do another 5k again soon, but first I better start running again. I bet a hot shower after that race felt amazing.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! My annual review is easy-going as we are getting a list of goals at the beginning of the year, so we basically know where we are standing at all times.

      The champagne was definitely a special treat. Love my work!

      The shower was indeed amazing! Just sign up for another race, then you're going to be more motivated. This stategy definitely helps me ;-)

  11. If I came home and one of my kids had voluntarily cleaned his or her room, I would look to the sky and wait for a piece of it to fall on my head! LOL! Kudos to your Lily!

    Great list!

    1. Oh, I knew that everything was fine, because Missy Violet's room looked like the usual bombing site ;-) But we were definitely very proud of Lily!

  12. My colleagues gave me a piece of their mind for being sick and running, but since I don't call in sick, I'm fine ;-)

    I'll ask my friend for the tea!

  13. Wait wait wait you did multiple runs? Or this the one run you talked about before? If a second, you are nuts lady! lol And while sick and in shitty weather? Goodness... I think you should lay off the chocolate >.> I mean... congrats!

    You've had yourself some good weeks, which is great and I hope it continues on through the next and the next and the next and the...

    Unlike there, we have been hurting for rain and we finally got some this past weekend and through this week. Supposedly even thunderstorms tomorrow! I can't wait! At least you have some tea to pull you through.

    So sweet your daughter did all of that. Does she love putting together puzzles?

    How is the house coming along? Always good to find out you have friendly neighbors. Are you good about introducing yourself to your neighbors and making new friends?

    Champagne at work?! What?! Vodka?!

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink

    1. Yup, had a second run last Saturday. Weather sucked and I had the beginning of a cold that passed it zenith last night in a fun fever spike.

      Can't live without chocolate!! I hope that the cold passe quickly now and I can enjoy my weeks again!

      Sending you some of my rain ;-) Love thunder storms. Lily got scared during one last year, so we sat together the next evening watching You Tube videos of thunder storms. Ever since, she loves them!

      My sweet little Lily indeed did all of that. She loves doing puzzles, doing 100pc puzzles now, wow!

      House will get windows on October 10, and then hopefully progress quickly from then.. But it's good to know that there are nice people living next door, should I slice myself open again while hubby is out ;-)

      Our boss-boss got us a couple of bottles of some €40 champagne for a piece of work that took us about 9 months to finish. No vodka though, but my boss brought some home-made cherry liqueur last year ;-)
