
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week In Review - Ten Things Of Thankful (12)

Ten Things of Thankful

It's another weekend, time to look back, reflect, and be thankful for the many, many good things that have happened last week. Christine from A Fly On Our (Chicken Coop) Wall was kind enough to start from me last week, so I go from there (with minor adjustments):

1. I am thankful for my wonderful good improving health and being cleared by my doctor to go back to work on Monday.

2. My husband is was feeling better, too, and can finally have had his surgery on Tuesday. I am thankful that everything went well and that he is healing and improving quickly.

3. I am thankful I could enjoy some play time (and crafting) with the kids.

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4. Having wonderful girls who are dealing so well with having a pair of invalid parents at home.

5. Beautiful weather all week long.

6. Being done with the antibiotics (bring on the wine!!!!).

7. Having been able to get into town today and get those much, much needed hair cuts.

8. A great boxing match tonight (sorry, inappropriate...)

9. Being able to clear some issues I've been having on my plate for a while with less problems than I expected (thus, the procrastinating).

10. All the support from all you wonderful people out there during my weeks of illness and being the biggest whiner in the world.

Thank you so much for hosting, Lizzi!!


  1. so glad you're feeling better and that your husband surgery went well. It must be such a relief to feel better? Stay well this week!

    1. Thanks a lot, Zoe! Feeling better does indeed feel great ;-) I just can't wait to get back into my routine!

  2. hey I liked the Post!*

    Good to hear that health is improving, not to get too cliché but it totally starts with that...

    (just leaving work...will try to get back on the rounds later tonight...on my way to Wakefield for the call-in show)

    *but then again, have you *read* some of the Posts coming out of the Doctrine??!

    1. Sorry, Clark, my brain has been way too mushy those last few weeks to really READ and comprehend. I will have to take an afternoon and really catch up..

  3. I seriously am so glad you are feeling better and I know it has been a long few weeks for you guys. I only had a cold 2 weeks ago a few a few days and was miserable, seriously couldn't imagine it being longer then that right now. By the way, we too had such warm, infall-like weather this week. It was 85 and humid. Truly bizarre, but before we know it, it will be freezing and snowing, too. So, you won't here me complaining right now! Just wishing you a great rest of the weekend now!! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Janine! I'm so ready to get back into my routine. I almost took the kids to kindergarten on a public holiday last week, just because I was totally not aware that it was a holiday.. I REALLY need to get back to work ;-)

  4. Glad you and the husband are feeling better! Nothing like coming out of the dark after being ill.

    And how great is a haircut when you need one? I had to move mine up two weeks because there is no way I'm waiting until the end of the month.

    Continue to feel well (or at least better)!

    1. It was only the kids and hubby getting hair cuts. I'm growing mine out until I'm 30, and most likely chop them off the day after.. Weird goals and their consequences ;-) Hope you enjoy your hair cut, Lisa, and thanks for stopping by!

  5. Glad you're starting to feel better!

  6. Ha! Glad my predictions (mostly) came true. :) Especially the parts about you being healthy and your husband being able to have his surgery.
    A little more info on the boxing would be nice. Then we can figure out if it's inappropriate. Who, exactly, was doing the boxing?
    Glad you are getting issues cleared up. I'm sure it feels like a yoke has been lifted right off your shoulders.
    Have a lovely week back to work!

    1. Oh, there was a boxing match between Wladimir Klitschko and a Russian boxer in Moscow last night. I'm a huge boxing fan and HAD to watch it ;-)

  7. Hi, I'm here from Lizzi's blog :) You're watching the boxing too!! But it's only because my husband is watching.

    1. That's funny ;-) Hubby declined and turned to shooting aliens... We have some reversed roles here in our family ;-)

  8. Glad you're feeling better! Hope you enjoyed the boxing match- not inappropriate at all!

    1. Thanks, Kate! I was actually a little disappointed in the fight. Way too much hugging for my taste..

  9. You've been sick for a looooong time! Glad you're finally well enough to go back to work. And your husband is healing well? Yay! Your girls have probably become completely self-sufficient while you both have been laid-up (or made incredible messes that you're too exhausted to clean up). You have NOT been a whiner. Enjoy a healthy week!

    1. Thanks so much, Dyanne! Yes, it's been a while of being sick. The girls got way too much TV during those weeks, in order to prevent potential messes; we've done our best to entertain them, but of course didn't quite meet their needs. Despite that, they have dealt so well with the situation, not quite understanding the whole "too sick to do anything" concept yet. Very proud of them!

  10. Thank you so much for your kind words, Dana! Working on improving every day ;-)

  11. Life is always full of those unexpected bumps in the road - like weeks of illness. Glad to hear that you are feeling better and returning to your normal routine. It's always fun to get out with your kids.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Raeanne! It was very inconvenient timing, as we had year-end closing at work and I had important stuff going on. Well, some things cannot be controled I guess.
