
Friday, March 15, 2013

Something Stupid...

Finish the Sentence Friday

Since I don't have much to day today, I'm just trying another fun link-up hosted by Kate. The "Finish the Sentence Friday" question of the week:

I did something really stupid once when I decided to trust a guy I knew I couldn't trust. What happened? During my time as a party girl I met a guy; we hung out for a while. After we almost got into a routine police control with my car and I later found out that he was carrying some dope in his pockets, I ceased all contact with him.

Fast forward a couple of years, I was about to graduate from college and was newly-engaged to the now-Mr. I was having a couple of drinks and a shisha at a local bar with some of my friends, when I stumbled upon him by accident; he was hanging out with a friend, who was from Turkey and told me he had cleaned up and tried to live straight-forward now. I had just returned from a trip to Istanbul with my best friend a few months ago, so we started talking. As the evening went on, we all decided to have some tea at the guy's friend's home. My former friend said he just needed to run home really quick to pick something up and would meet us at his friend'S house. Already guessing what happened? Well, of course, he did not show and his friend tried to hook up with me even though I had told them earlier that I was happily engaged. I ran out of the place yelling at him and probably waking the entire house, I didn't care.

Was I naive? Definitely. Did I know better? Well, I certainly had a bad gut feeling. I still believe in the goodness in people, but will certainly listen more to my gut and my brain.

I was embarrassed enough not to tell the fiance at this point; I confessed a couple of years later, and he was pretty amused. LOVE this man!!


  1. Wow that's crazy!!! :) Your husband is a good man.

  2. Oh love that your fiancé, now husband was amused by the story. I think we all had that one person that was no good for us, but still wanted to believe in. Hey, I know I did. Truly could relate and thanks for linking up with us!!

    1. Thanks for hosting and coming up with this awesome idea, Janine! When I ran out of that house I deleted my "friend's" number from my phone and haven't heard from him since. Better for him I guess; I would still give him a piece of my mind if he crossed my way, even after all those years..

  3. Wow, I am glad you got out of there okay! And found the Mr, too :)

    1. Thanks, Kristi! I never really felt in "danger" but was just flabbergasted by the whole situation. I was talking half the time how amazing the Mr.-to-be was, what gave that guy the idea I was looking for a little pre-hitch adventure.. Something I will never know...

  4. Thanks for following me hun. hope you have a great weekend

    1. Thanks for following back! Have a great one yourself, even though it's Sunday already :-(

  5. Oh man, it took me forever to learn to listen to my gut...till like just the past few years and I'm 41. Gah! I'm still learning to listen to it. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Still not perfect, but learning. I think it's difficult if we want to believe in a person even though we know deep down that they're a lost cause.. Thanks for stopping by!!
