
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sugar And Spice....

... and everything nice??? I truly start to believe our Lily didn't get the memo!

Even though she's sometimes quite a fashionista (should I be worried that my just-turned 5-year old daughter is better in putting together an outfit than I??)...

Yes, she picked that herself!!

... she's definitely not so much sugar once her kindergarten group heads for the gardens!
The result of about an hour outside!

Do I mind?? Not at all! I love that she's being herself and embraces all sides about here, whether it's being girly or playing in the kindergarten mud pit. She does not care about stereotypes or categories, she's simply embracing herself. It might mean a couple of loads of laundry every week, but that's nothing compared to the sparkling in her eyes when she tells me about cooking mud soup for her friends!

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