
Monday, May 27, 2013

To All Of You Out There!

Today's prompt in Jenni's "Blog Every Day in May!-challenge: A letter to my readers! For some reason, writing doesn't come easy today, but here it comes:

My lovely readers out there:

Today was not a perfect day. I hardly slept at night due to a restless little girl in bed next to me. I went to the finance department during my lunch break to hand in my tax return just to find there being 48 people in front of me; and after 8.5 hours of work, I joyfully headed to my last appointment of the day; the dentist. There were some minor repairs scheduled, and since I'm not yet scared of the dentist and also don't plan on changing that anytime soon, I asked for the anaesthesia. A good hour later, I walk home with half my mouth properly numbed up. The hubby almost breaks in half laughing at me (you look like you had a stroke!!), the girls think my speech is funny, and I cannot eat until the drugs wear off. Let me tell you, reading Aesop's fables as a good-night story while not being able to ariticulate was not a good idea, I think Lily thought I was wasted, even though I'm sure she doesn't even know what "being wasted" is.

In the end, I decided to start dinner before I could completely feel my mouth again, which was an adventure all by itself. Why am I telling you that? I'm not sure, maybe I don't really have anything to say today. Maybe: check when you have been to the dentist last and go make an appointment if it's time. Have your fillings and sealings checked regularly and your teeth cleaned. Not just for having good-looking teeth, but because bad teeth can make you seriously ill.

That, dear readers, was the Public Service Anouncement of the day.

Love,  Stephanie



  1. I need to make a dentists appointment...thanks for the push!

    1. You're welcome, Jen ;-) Isn't it weird how we always forget about the dentist?

  2. well I hope your day gets better Stephanie and I hope you have a good Memorial day. me: well I'm having one of those days too. Did catch some rays some what.

    would love to hear from you.

    1. Thanks, Laney. My day wasn't really bad-bad, just weird somehow. We don't have Memorial Day here. With us having lost all the World Wars, I guess the ones in charge consider it somehow inappropriate to honor the fallen of our big wars. On the other hand, one cannot really hold the common soldier responsible for all the crimes, especially WW 2.

  3. I hate the dentist. Absolutely nothing (not even laughing gas) could make it ok for me to be in a dentist chair. I would need serious sedatives before even walking into the office so numb or not you are more woman than me.

    1. That doesn't sound good, Kimbra! I don't mind being in a dentist's chair. But honestly, I'd rather birth 10 children in a row without drugs than having a dentist procedure without local anaesthesia. I cannot stand this sort of pain. Hope you find a way to get over your fear!

  4. It must have been something in the atmosphere b/c I slept horrible last night too! I could not for the life of me get comfortable! I don't know about you, but it's almost like I'm hung over if I don't sleep at night :(

    1. I feel somehow like standing just a tad bit beside myself. I don't have the head-aches I've been getting from drinking too much lately, but it definitely doesn't feel good. And compensating with coffee just ends in the jitters :-( Hope you had a good night last night!

  5. Fun letter, thank you for sharing it!
