
Friday, May 17, 2013

When I Was Younger...

Another Friday, time to Finish A Sentence!

When I was younger, I wanted to...

... look like her - ghastly, right (Source)

... be a fire fighter. (Source)

... or a vet. (Source)

... and get married wearing a big, white. princess dress (Source)
 Well, today, I chose to be brunette, can't stand hot pink, and love my curves. I got married in a small ceremony, wearing an ivory mermaid-style dress. I work in finance, and kind of happy that my girls want to do what I do when they grow up. They don't really know what I do, heck sometime's I'm not sure myself what I'm doing, but I'm happy with my life!


  1. Oh Barbie haha I think everyone wanted to look like her. :)

    1. Isn't it scary? Nowadays, they shape the Barbies differently, but back then.. Can you imagine the back pain we'd have with boobs like that??

  2. Being happy with your life is a HUGE achievement! Congrats!

    1. It certainly is, Kimbra! And I'm glad I managed to get to this point in life.

  3. Stephanie, I think I had that Barbie Doll, lol!! But seriously, sounds like you have a great life and so happy that it turned out great. And also happy that your girls sound like they have good heads on their shoulders. Thanks as always for linking up with us!! :)

    1. I think it was the first Barbie I bought with my own money, and saved like crazy for it! Today, Lily's playing with it, and I'm seriously considering letting her play "barbie goes to the salon and gets a hair cut", because her hair didn't survive the years that well ;-)

  4. I'm glad you didn't turn into Barbie. She's not "all there" you know!

    1. I am glad, too!! I cannot imagine the back pain, the difficulties finding clothes that fit, the cramping face muscles from all the smiling, and of course the hair!! yieks!

  5. how is it? (very creative approach to the FTSF today), that the images above...all genuine representations from the stages of life seem to be: scary, friendly/nice, friendly/nice and

    intriguing post, yo

    1. When I compiled the post, I didn't even think of it, but you're totally correct! Barbie is incredibly creepy, and the dress... let's say not quite my style ;-)

  6. It definitely is! Considering joining our town's volunteer fire squad once the kids are older and we can go together, because it's still a fun thing to do.. The "saving kitties from trees"-kind of jobs, not the "cut dead babies out of burning cars"-deals. I leave those for the professionals!

  7. Isn't it funny some of the things we dreamed of when we were kids and how we thought it would be when we were older? When I was 18 I thought I would be married and have birthed my first kid by 28. I wasn't married until I was 30 and we adopted all our kids. :-)

    1. Thank you for your comment, Kate! Yes, it is definitely funny how things change over time. But especially things like marriage and children can't really be planned, things happen when they happen. And thank you for giving children, who were less fortunate, a loving home!
